Monday 19 March 2018 - 00:00

British Council Azerbaijan implements a number of programmes in vocational education in the area of hospitality and agriculture. Our programmes include curricula development, teacher capacity building and apprenticeship scheme development. In our programmes, we try to implement public-partnership model in vocational education that is targeted at supporting young people with finding employment.

To learn more about our programmes in VET, visit the following pages:

Access to Hospitality and Apprenticeship Scheme Programme

AVEDNO project

We are launching a survey for vocational education institutions’ students that will help us to analyse the needs of students and we are going to use received data when designing programmes in VET sector.

To the attention of the vocational education (VET) students! Please fill in the survey to assess the employability skills and opportunities of the VET students. Two randomly selected respondents will be awarded with a e-book reader tablet after the deadline. The survey is in Azerbaijani. Deadline for the survey is 19 March 2018.