Friday 10 April 2015 - 00:00
Baku, Azerbaijan

The successful partnership of the British Council with UNICEF brought an international OneminutesJr video workshop to Azerbaijan in 2015. On the last week of February, 16 young Azerbaijanis (age 14 -18) with different backgrounds joined this project to produce 16 sixty-second films.

OneminutesJr is an international project that offers a set of workshops where young people have a chance to learn how to develop short films on the topics related to the social protection and inclusion of children. The subject of the workshop in Azerbaijan was “Ability is Limitless”. Young people with sight and hearing impairments, children from families with different difficulties had a unique opportunity to have their voices heard by a broad audience.

3 videos out of 16 receiving the highest number of ‘Likes’ by Facebook users on the British Council Azerbaijan page will be selected as winners and will be awarded with valuable presents on 10 April 2015 at 28 Cinema.
The voting is open for all registered Facebook users from 23 March till 5 April 2015.

The Organiser of the competition shall reserve the right to disqualify the entrants who do not fulfil the conditions of the competition and do not respect the rules for participation.