Thursday 24 October 2019

This policy forum will mark the beginning of the British Council’s new Higher Education for Employability programme in Azerbaijan, and brings together the senior policymakers from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as leading practitioners, university representatives and researchers from the UK. 

The purpose of this forum is to explore how we can increase higher education institutions’ capacity to enhance the employability of their graduates, making them competitive locally and globally. In addition, the British Council,  together with its partners in the UK and Azerbaijan, aims to create a platform to share experience and discuss issues related to the monitoring of graduate outcomes in higher education - with a focus on policy, system and resource.

The forum is an opportunity to enhance the future collaboration between the UK and Azerbaijan, and benefit the economic development of Azerbaijan in the long-term. Our work contributes to education policy development and helps to build stronger education systems in our two countries.

The forum will take place at Hilton Baku Hotel (Sevda Ballroom) on 31 October 2019 (09.30) and will be attended by the Minister of Education Mr. Jeyhun Bayramov, The UK Prime Minister’s Trade Envoy to Azerbaijan, Baroness Nicholson, and Her Majesty’s Ambassador Mr. James Sharp. The policy forum programme can be found here.

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Media representatives are kindly invited to attend this event. Please join us at 09.00 for a short media briefing. Mr. Summer Xia, Country Director of the British Council in Azerbaijan, says: “On behalf of the British Council’s new Higher Education for Employability programme, I am delighted to host this inaugural Policy Forum on Graduate Outcomes in Baku. This forum will help us position our new higher education programme effectively within the existing higher education landscape in Azerbaijan for the benefit of future generations of graduates.”

Notes to Editor

Through the Higher Education for Employability programme, the British Council wants to build long-term partnerships, bring about real change and help people enhance their skills, knowledge and increase their potential to thrive and grow in a global job market. Our deep understanding of the local contexts, across a wide range of international educational systems, enables us to connect people to share experiences and best practice in order to boost graduate employability. Our work contributes to education policy development and helps to build stronger education systems in seven countries.

Our three areas of focus are:

  • English in higher education: We want to improve the provision of English in higher education, and English as a medium of instruction. Our aim is to enable more graduates to engage in international trade and create better international research collaborations. 
  • Quality in teaching: We want to enhance the quality of teaching and learning in higher education. Quality assurance is essential for building and maintaining standards. We will work with institutions to raise teaching standards, develop their strategies and build centres of excellence.

  • Graduate employability: Access to higher education doesn’t necessarily mean unemployment levels are going to drop. We need to ensure that students bring the relevant skillset to the job market and meets the demands of 21st-century societies.

About the British Council

The British Council is the UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. We create friendly knowledge and understanding between the people of the UK and other countries. We do this by making a positive contribution to the UK and the countries we work with – changing lives by creating opportunities, building connections and engendering trust. We work with over 100 countries across the world in the fields of arts and culture, English language, education and civil society. Last year we reached over 80 million people directly and 791 million people overall including online, broadcasts and publications. Founded in 1934, we are a UK charity governed by Royal Charter and a UK public body.

See also