British Council Azerbaijan in partnership with AccessBank will launch one of the pilot activities within IDEAS (Inclusive Decision for Equal and Accountable Society) project’s piloting phase program. The program will train directors of 50 secondary schools located in Baku on the inclusive education philosophy and the importance of integration in the end of June, 2015. The training will include topics on creation of effective schools and adding disability component to school’s agenda.
British Council in partnership with AccessBank organizes the following event in order to increase awareness and improve knowledge of school directors on the respective topic in line with the National Education Development Strategy and the vision defined by the Minister of Education.
The program intends not only to equip directors with required knowledge and skills, but also provide a practical international experience.
Under two days inclusive education training program, assessment and selection of schools will be conducted by the Ministry of Education (MoE) representative. MoE representative and an independent expert will train selected directors of the respective schools and will empower them with knowledge on disability area, medical and social approaches to this topic and universal design. Directors will recognize and analyze theory, and ethical terminology to be used in communication with people with disabilities (PwD). This program will encourage school management to use innovative thinking and to acquire knowledge and skills that support positive attitudes to the PwD in general. Directors will develop a better understanding of the disability issue and by this participate in creating an equal opportunity for a diverse group of pupils.
Representatives of 50 schools are invited to attend the training. The selection will be conducted by the representative of the Ministry of Education.
In order to register for the event participation, please download the following registration form and send it to Sabina Guliyeva, Project Coordinator at no later than 21 June, 2015.
For more information, please contact Sabina Guliyeva, Project Coordinator at