Call for workshop proposals under Researcher Links initiative.
Deadline for submissions - 9 June 2014.
The British Council has re-opened the call for workshop proposals under the Researcher Links initiative. We are inviting Leading Researchers to propose themes for bilateral workshops to be held in one of the 18 partner countries (see below), which will bring together early-career researchers to discuss their research and start to build international relationships. Successful workshops will receive funding, and the applicants (Leading Researchers) will, with the exception of certain countries, be responsible for organising the workshop. Some countries have priority areas, and only themes within these will be considered. Please read the guidelines document for details.
Country list 2014-15: Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Russia, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam.
Further information on the Researcher Links initiative can be found here.
Leading Researchers are eligible to apply (see below). Applications must be made on a bilateral basis between institutions in the UK and a partner country and must be led by two Leading Researchers; there is no restriction on nationality, however one of the applicants must be UK-based, and the second must be based in one of the partner countries identified above.
Leading Researcher is defined as being upper R3 and R4, as outlined by the EC in this document.
The participants of the workshops must be early-career researchers, as defined below, and must also be based in either the UK or one of the partner countries.
The term 'early career researcher' refers to researchers at the beginning of their research careers. We would expect early career researchers to have been awarded their PhD not more than 10 years prior to applying for to participate in a workshop, but allowances can be made for career breaks or other extenuating circumstances. If a researcher does not hold a PhD, but has research experience equivalent to a PhD holder and works in a field where a PhD is not a pre-requisite for established research activity, they will still be considered eligible.
Before applying please download and read the guidelines document. Once ready you can apply here.
If you have any questions or issues with the online application, please contact
The information session on workshop grants for 2014 will take place on 13 May at 18:30 at Four Seasons Hotel. All early career researchers and academic institutions representatives interested in this programme are welcome to attend. This session is organized by British Council Azerbaijan.
Attendance is by registration only. Interested participants should send an e-mail to Konul Ahmadova