Wednesday 12 September 2018

Creative Spark is a new initiative to support international university and institutional partnerships to develop enterprise skills and creative economy across seven countries in Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan), South Caucasus (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia) and Ukraine through UK support.

The partnership fund will support the design and delivery of activities that support the development of enterprise education in programme countries. This will contribute to the reduction of unemployment by strengthening the creative industries in these countries through UK collaboration.

It is designed to enhance existing partnerships or foster new ones between UK Higher Education Institutions, related national bodies in the creative sector and the equivalent institutions in the programme countries. 

Join our webinar on 12 September at 13.00 Azerbaijan time (10.00 UK time) in order to learn more about the Creative Spark Partnership Fund as well as the application process. Make sure you join at least ten minutes earlier, in order to install the necesarry add-on for your internet browser.