Sunday 31 July 2016 - 00:00

For Shakespeare’s birthday, the British Council in partnership with the Academy of Fine Arts announced the Azerbaijan Shakespeare Carpet competition. The competition is to design a carpet in honour of and inspired by Shakespeare – which could be a portrait carpet, or could contain images from Shakespeare, or could be an abstract inspired by Shakespeare.

The competition id open to anyone in Azerbaijan, with three categories: professional designers, children and others.  The works will be judged by experts from Azerbaijan and the UK.  For the first round, all entrants will submit only an esquisse, an image, online – but the final prize-winning carpets will be made up, and one will be sent to the V&A Museum in London.  Prizes will include a trip to London to visit the great museums and Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre.

Closing date for entries is 31 iyul 2016.

For more information please follow the link.