TheatreHD is show and live broadcasting of the most famous performances of the best world theatres on cinema screens, including the Royal National Theatre (London), Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre (London), Royal Shakespeare Company (Stratford-upon-Avon), Bolshoi Theatre (Moscow), Metropolitan Opera (New York) and other world-famous sites. The project is developed as a result of collaboration among the British Council, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan, CoolConnections company, and Nizami cinema.
The first screening within the TheatreHD project in Baku was Shakespeare's Hamlet featuring Benedict Cumberbatch. The screening took place on 8 December 2015 at 19.00 at Nizami cinema. The second screening will be Coriolanus featuring Tom Hiddleston. The screening will take place on 15 December 2015 at 19.00 at Nizami Cinema (20 Bulbul avenue). Tickets are available at the ticket offices of Nizami cinema. Tickets cost 15 AZN for Coriolanus and are available at the ticket offices of Nizami cinema. The number of tickets is limited.