English Language Course in 50 Pilot Schools

The British Council in partnership with the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan is supporting the development of English language teaching skills of teachers by working with 50 pilot schools in 16 regions and Baku and providing training courses for around 520 of them within "Teachers for the XXI century" programme. The overall aim of the project is to improve the quality of English language teaching in the 50 pilot state-run schools by introducing contemporary methodology and techniques. The project is now preparing for its seventh phase, having delivered training courses in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014.

These courses are focused on raising teachers’ awareness of the important of catering to learning styles in the classroom and planning activities that enable all learners to engage actively in the process of language acquisition.

The courses are delivered by both national and international trainers who prepared the content of the courses on the needs of the teachers. National trainers observed teachers in the 50 pilot schools and on the basis of these observations recommended topics that would help teachers to enhance their skills.

Sessions also focus on:

  • Effective classroom management
  • Lesson planning
  • Motivating learners to read
  • Making writing tasks enjoyable
  • Helping learners remember and use new vocabulary
  • Observing and giving feedback to peers successfully

In addition teachers prepare, deliver and give feedback to each other on a short activity that capitalise on the new techniques they have discussed in the course. For more information please contact Gulshan Huseynova.